Legal Notices
Click the boxes below to see legal notices.
- Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Plan for Six ODE Initiatives
- Annual Required Staff Training
- Anti-discrimination
- Asbestos (AHERA)
- Communicable Disease Management Plans
- Complaint Procedure & Appeals
- District Report Card
- Division 22
- English Learner Plan
- Equal Education Opportunity
- Directory Information Notification
- Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Healthy & Safe Schools Plan
- House Bill 2062 Sexual Conduct by a District Employee
- Integrated Pest Management
- Lead
- Parent Involvement
- Physical Restraint & Seclusion
- Public Records Request
- Radon
- School Immunization Rates
- School Report Cards
- Social Media
- Teacher Qualifications
Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Plan for Six ODE Initiatives
Bringing six programs together operationally, CPSD6's Integrated Plan creates significant opportunities to improve outcomes and learning conditions for students and educators. Working within existing state statutes and administrative rules, this framework for success meets the core purposes of each program.
Early Indicator & Intervention System (EISS)
Career Technical Education (CTE/Perkins)
Annual Required Staff Training
All Oregon School Districts are required to provide annual training to all employees and to make such training available to parents and students regarding the prevention, identification, and reporting of sexual conduct and child abuse. We contract with SafeSchools to provide the training. Parents and Students interested in reviewing the information from the trainings, contact the Human Resource Office at 541.494.6238.
Central Point School District is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment. The district prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status.
The district prohibits discrimination and harassment in, but not limited to, employment, assignment and promotion of personnel; educational opportunities and services offered students; student assignment to schools and classes; student discipline; location and use of facilities; educational offerings and materials; and accommodating the public at public meetings.
Telephone access numbers for hearing and/or visually impaired individuals:
Nondiscrimination Policy
Sexual Harassment Policy
If you or anyone you know has experienced sexual assault or harassment, you may seek assistance through local law enforcement or through one of the district/school Title IX coordinators. The Central Point School District Title IX Coordinator is Tom Rambo and can be reached at 541.494.6232 or
Sexual conduct, harassment or Title IX issue:
Tom Rambo- Director of Human Resources - (541) 494-6232
To report a Civil Rights violation:
Tom Rambo- Director of Human Resources - (541) 494-6232
SPED or Title II- Americans with Disabilities Act:
Ryan Munn- Director of Student Services - (541) 494-6231
504, TAG, ELD:
Christine Beck- Director of Education - (541) 494-6224
Asbestos (AHERA)
Under EPA regulations, we are required to notify you that we do have asbestos in our schools. For your information, please know that we do have an independent contractor inspect each of our schools every three years. Our schools are all in good condition.
Jackson County School District 6, 300 Ash Street, Central Point, Oregon 97502 has a copy of the Asbestos AHERA Management Plan available. This document is also available for each of the following schools below:
- Crater High School
- Hanby Middle School
- Headwaters School
- Jewett Elementary
- Mae Richardson Elementary
- Patrick Elementary
- Sams Valley Elementary
- Scenic Middle School
If you have any further questions, please contact our CPSD6 Maintenance Supervisor, who is also our AHERA Coordinator.
Communicable Disease Management Plans
Complaint Procedure & Appeals
The District is committed to resolving complaints, in a timely manner, by direct, informal discussions, beginning with the school or department involved. Communication is essential during this process so that the involved parties may better understand the reasons behind each other's positions.
For more information click HERE.
District Report Card
Division 22
At the board meeting on October 15, 2024, Central Point School District reported the district's compliance with each of the requirements found in Division 22 - Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools for 2023-2024.
English Learner Plan
Equal Education Opportunity
Every student of the district will be given equal educational opportunities regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, color, national origin, disability, marital status, linguistic background, culture, capability or geographic location. Further, no student will be excluded from participating in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity conducted by the district.
The district will treat its students without discrimination on the basis of sex as this pertains to course offerings, athletics, counseling, employment assistance and extracurricular activities.
Inquiries regarding Title IX or to make a report, please contact: Tom Rambo, 300 Ash Street, Central Point, OR 97502,
For the Central Point School District complaint procedure, please click here.
Directory Information Notification
“Directory information" means those items of personally identifiable information contained in a student education record which is not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. The following categories are designated as directory information.
The following directory information may be released to the public through appropriate procedures:
1. Student's name;
2. Student's photograph;
3. Participation in officially recognized sports and activities;
4. Weight and height of athletic team members;
5. Grade level
This is CPSD6 Annual Public Notice Regarding Directory Information, September 5, 2023
To parents of students in attendance and students 18 years of age or emancipated. The types of information considered to be directory information are listed above. The district must, by law upon request, release secondary students' names, addresses and telephone numbers to military recruiters and/or institutions of higher education, unless parents or eligible students request the district withhold this information.
Exclusions from any or all directory categories named as directory information or release of information to military recruiters and/or institutions of higher education must be submitted in writing to the principal by the parent, student 18 years of age or emancipated student within 15 days of annual public notice. A parent or student 18 years of age or an emancipated student may not opt out of directory information to prevent the district from disclosing or requiring a student to disclose their names, identifier, institutional email address in a class in which the student is enrolled or from requiring a student to disclose a student ID card or badge that exhibits information that has been properly designated directory information by the district in this policy.
Directory information shall be released only with administrative direction. Directory information considered by the district to be detrimental will not be released. Information will not be given over the telephone except in health and safety emergencies.
At no point will a student's Social Security Number or student identification number be considered directory information. The district shall not, in accordance with state law, disclose personal information for the purpose of enforcement of federal immigration laws.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA provides certain rights for parents regarding their children’s education records. When a student reaches 18 years of age or attends an institution of postsecondary education at any age, the student becomes an “eligible student,” and all rights under FERPA transfer from the parent to the student. This guide provides general information on an eligible student’s rights under FERPA.
United States government website on student privacy:
Parent Guide to Family Educational Rights:
Notice of Transfer of Special Education Rights - Student Services Form:
Oregon Laws that reference majority:
Oregon law pursuant to emancipation:
Healthy & Safe Schools Plan
As outlined by Oregon Administrative Rule OAR 581-022-2223, each school district, education service district, and public charter school must develop and maintain a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan for all buildings owned or leased by the school district or public charter school where students and staff are present on a regular basis.
School districts, education service districts, and public charter schools must annually submit an updated Healthy and Safe Schools Plan if new buildings are acquired, constructed, or leased or if the plan is modified by the school district, education service district, or public charter school. Plans should be submitted to the Department of Education at
In its continued effort to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment the Central Point School District No. 6 is fully committed to implementing a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan.
Treatment: Pendulum Aquacap and Glystar Plus, EPA# 241-416 and 42750-61
Dates: 01/02/2025 and 01/30/2025
Locations : SVE
Reason: Invasive weed control
House Bill 2062 Sexual Conduct by a District Employee
House Bill 2062, was passed by the Oregon State Legislature in 2009 and is now included in ORS 339.370. It requires that district boards adopt a policy on reporting sexual conduct by a district employee that is directed toward a student. It modifies hiring procedures for districts as well as impacting information shared through the employee reference process.
Central Point School District is committed to providing a learning environment free of all forms of abuse, assault, harassment, and coercive conduct, including sexual misconduct.
Integrated Pest Management
In 2009, Senate Bill 634.700 required school districts to adopt an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan. IPM is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management using comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interactions with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. IPM programs take advantage of all pest management options possible including, but not limited to, the judicious use of pesticides.
Understanding pest needs is essential to implementing IPM effectively. Pests seek habitats that provide basic needs such as air, moisture, food, and shelter. Pest populations can be prevented or controlled by creating inhospitable environments, by removing some of the basic elements pests need to survive, or by simply blocking their access into buildings. Pests may also be managed by other methods such as traps, vacuums, or pesticides. An understanding of what pests need in order to survive is essential before action is taken.
How can staff help?
- Eliminate pest habitat by maintaining neat and orderly classrooms and/or workspaces.
- Minimize the amount of food and candy stored in schools.
- Minimize the number of areas that food is consumed in.
- Utilize the kitchens and staff rooms.
- Store necessary food items properly in sealed, airtight containers.
- Eliminate pest-harboring material such as couches, bean bags, etc.
- Purge items that are no longer necessary.
- Report pest sightings to custodial staff immediately.
- Do not apply pesticide on your own.
- Support and take the time to understand the intent of the IPM plan.
- Be part of the solution.
Who can apply a pesticide?
All applications must be coordinated with the facilities office ahead of time. Only licensed applicators are allowed to administer a pesticide. The facilities office maintains licensed applicators on staff.
What are the characteristics of a comprehensive IPM plan?
ORS 634.700 defines an IPM plan as a proactive strategy that:
- Focuses on the long-term prevention or suppression of pest problems through economically sound measures that:
- Protect the health and safety of students, staff and faculty;
- Protect the integrity of district buildings and grounds;
- Maintain a productive learning environment;
- Protect the local ecosystem health;
- Focuses on the prevention of pest problems by working to reduce or eliminate conditions that promote the establishment, feeding, breeding and proliferation of pest populations that create harborage for pests during building operations and maintenance. All measures covered by this IPM plan will cover all district construction projects and contractors hired to preform work at any district site or building.
- Incorporates the use of sanitation, structural improvements, habitat manipulation, or of mechanical, biological or chemical control measures that presents a reduced risk or have a low impact for the purpose of mitigating a declared pest emergency.
- Includes regular monitoring and inspections to detect pests, pest damage and unsanctioned pesticide usage;
- Evaluates the need for pest control by identifying acceptable pest population density levels;
- Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of pest control measures;
- Excludes the application of pesticides on a routine schedule for purely preventive purposes, other than applications of pesticides designed to attract or be consumed by pests;
- Excludes the application of pesticides for purely aesthetic purposes;
- Includes education of school staff on sanitation, monitoring, inspection and pest control measures;
- Gives preference to the use of nonchemical pest control measures;
- Allows the use of low-impact pesticides if nonchemical pest control measures are ineffective;
- Allows the application of a pesticide that is not a low-impact pesticide only to mitigate a declared pest emergency or if the application is by, or at the direction or order of, a public health official.
How does lead get into drinking water?
Lead can enter drinking water when service pipes that contain lead corrode, especially where the water has high acidity or low mineral content that corrodes pipes and fixtures. The most common problem is with brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures with lead solder, from which significant amounts of lead can enter into the water, especially hot water.
When does Central Point School District 6 test for lead?
During the fall of 2016 all fixtures used for drinking water and food preparation were tested. Going forward, the Central Point School District will continue to spot check all schools annually and test all fixtures at a site every six years.
Parent Involvement
The school board recognizes that parent involvement is vital to achieve maximum educational growth for students participating in the district’s education program. Please see the District’s Parent Involvement Policies: IGBCA and IGBC.
If you would like to be involved in reviewing or updating the district parent involvement policies, please contact board secretary, Amy Shipley or 541.494.6202.
Each school in our district provides multiple opportunities for parent involvement. Please contact your student’s school or check their website for ways that you can be involved including, but not limited to: Site Council, PTA/PTO, Parent Advisory Groups, School Improvement Teams, school volunteer opportunities, parent conferences, Title I Meetings, Migrant (Title IC) Meetings, English Language Learning (Title III) meetings, and many others.
Physical Restraint & Seclusion
Under Oregon Administrative Rule ORS.326.051, school districts must prepare an annual report detailing the use of physical restraint and seclusion for the preceding year. Parents and guardians of students shall be advised at least once each school year about how to access the report. The required notification is available on our website and our school and district offices.
The use of physical restraint and/or seclusion is permitted only when other less restrictive interventions would not be effective and the student’s behavior poses a threat of imminent, serious physical harm to the student or others.
Public Records Request
Under Oregon's Public Records Law, "every person" has a right to inspect any nonexempt public record of a public body in Oregon, including school districts. A "public record" is broadly defined to include "any writing that contains information relating to the conduct of the public's business...that is prepared, owned, used or retained by a public body regardless of physical form or characteristics."
For more information, click HERE.
In our continued efforts to provide safe and healthy schools for our students and staff, Central Point School District No. 6 is beginning to test for radon in schools. A new state law requires that all districts in Oregon test schools for radon before January 1, 2021. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that comes from deposits in the soil. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless and can work its way into buildings through cracks in the ground and openings in foundations or under structures. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among people who do not smoke. The threat of elevated radon levels in Southern Oregon is considered low; however, testing is the only definitive way to determine actual radon levels.
Testing is non-invasive and poses no danger to staff or students. It consists of placing a small container (test kit) in all rooms that people typically occupy and leaving it there for several days. The kits are then sent to a lab for analysis and results are posted below. There are three types of test results as part of the quality assurance process:
Duplicates: Duplicates provide an indication of the precision of the measurement. Duplicates are test kits that are placed in the same location alongside the kits used as detectors for the same measurement period. They should have test results close to the primary detector.
Blanks: Blanks can be used to determine whether the manufacturing, shipping, storage or processing of the test kit has affected the accuracy of the measurements. They are called blanks because they are placed alongside opened detectors but then immediately resealed. As a result, blanks should have results at or close to 0.0 pCi/L.
Spikes: Spikes evaluate how accurately the detectors supplied by a radon testing laboratory measure radon and the accuracy of that lab’s kit processing. Spike testing involves exposing kits to known levels of radon in a certified performance test chamber. Those spikes are returned to the School Radon Measurement Team, which sends them (unidentified) to the radon testing laboratory. Spikes are intentionally infused at high levels, are labeled with fictitious room numbers and have never been on site.
While people may be exposed to elevated radon levels in schools, EPA data shows exposure at home is the number one source of radon exposure for most people. The EPA and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) recommend that all homes be tested for radon. For more information about radon, visit the OHA’s website. For questions or concerns about testing, contact the Maintenance Department at (541) 494-6921. Please remember that the health and well-being of our students and staff are our top priority.
Results: Central Point Elementary, Jewett Elementary, Mae Richardson Elementary, Patrick Elementary, Sams Valley Elementary, Hanby Middle School, Scenic Middle School, Crater High School
School Immunization Rates
- Central Point Elementary
- Crater Academy of Health & Public Service
- Crater Renaissance Academy
- Crater School of Business, Innovation & Science
- Hanby Middle School
- Jewett Elementary School
- Mae Richardson Elementary School
- Patrick Elementary School
- Rogue Primary School
- Sams Valley Elementary School
- Scenic Middle School
Central Point Elementary
Crater Academy of Health & Public Service
Crater Renaissance Academy
Crater School of Business, Innovation & Science
Hanby Middle School
Jewett Elementary School
Mae Richardson Elementary School
Patrick Elementary School
Rogue Primary School
Sams Valley Elementary School
Scenic Middle School
School Report Cards
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) produces yearly At-A-Glance School and District Profiles. These reports provide educators with an opportunity to communicate directly with parents and community members about how local schools are performing.
Central Point At-A-Glance School and District Profiles and Accountability Details
Social Media
School social media accounts should be utilized to promote school pride, provide updates about school activities, and productively engage with families. The Central Point School District Social Media Code of Conduct outlines the expectations of acceptable use of our social media accounts.
Teacher Qualifications
By federal law, parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the classroom teacher(s) serving their child(ren). If you would like information about the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher(s), please contact Tom Rambo, Personnel Director, 541.494.6232 or . You may also visit the Teachers Standards and Practices website and look up the licensure and endorsements held by licensed educators.